Virtual Tour: In Between Conversations by Jaime Pacena II

Asia Pacific College (APC) School of Multimedia and Arts (SoMA) faculty member Jaime Pacena II was recently featured in an art exhibit titled In Between Conversations.

In between conversations is an “exhibition of large scale paintings, collages, video, photographs and an archived curatorial project of Jaime Pacena II. It frames an inquiry about connections, relationships and the gains and loss in communication and translation, inspired from the discussions before and during the pandemic, up to this year – 2022.”

The exhibit features various works of Mr. Pacena II, such as a four-channel poetic documentary curated since 2010, a script in development written in Japan in 2019, and an archive of the project D I S PLACED which began in 2018.

To know more about the exhibit, visit artinformal gallery for further information.



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