SoCIT Sports Fest 2019 strengthens camaraderie & friendship among student athletes

By: Ella Mae Oscillada
Photos by: Frances Abengana

APC Flyers and Firmware Rebels: The two groups that made it to the finals round of SoCIT's Sports Fest - Basketball game
The CHAMPIONS - Firmware Rebels (L-R): Jhed Ross Bunagan, Neil Iverson Sarte, Enrico Gloria, Christian Murillo, Angelo Mendoza, Ken Carangan, Clifford Austria, Rhyss Brian Cadungan, Ranz Ryan Martinez, and Brian Dela Cruz
APC Flyers (L-R, Standing): Mark Macatangay, Kevin Banglagan, Justine Ordoñez, Rjam Abuacan, Melo Lorenzo, Adrian Zuñiga, Aaron Gardon & Brent Manzo; (L-R, Sitting): Vicenzo Navida, Randreb Bance, & Ismael Ebrada
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Students from the School of Computer and Information Technology (SoCIT) celebrated their Sports Fest last August 17, 23, and 31, 2019. From 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., the events took place at the table tennis area on the 10th floor and in the school gymnasium on the 11th floor.

SoCIT Sports Fest Organizers (L-R): Leryelle Adiao, John Ace Asia, & Lemuel Manuel

The annual sports tournament was spearheaded by John Ace Asia along with his committee members, namely Lemuel Ian Manuel, Leryelle Adiao, and Czar Manglicmot. The event took place last August 14 through 16.

Brent Manzo of the APC Flyers during the finals
Mark Macatangay (APC Flyers) blocks Jhed Bunagan (Firmware Rebel) as he passes the ball to his teammate

Vicenzo Roberto Navida won over Ray Alexander Malvin Genete in the Table Tennis match. For the Badminton competition, it was Miguel Antonio Flores who triumphed and came out as champion, placing Aianne Gail Tingson in 2nd place, Jan Laurene Manrique in 3rd place, and Mark Joshua Macatangay in 4th place.

In the Basketball games, Firmware Rebels prevailed and came out victorious in the three-day matches against four other teams. The APC Flyers came in second place, followed by Automatics in third place. The rest of the teams were Tune Squad and Tanders.

APC Flyers and Firmware Rebels fight for the championship
Firmware Rebels' players congratulate each other for winning the championship
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Through this event, student-athletes from different SoCIT blocks were able to enjoy healthy competition in their chosen sports like basketball, table tennis, and badminton. The event was also an opportunity for SoCIT students to showcase their love for sports. The interaction strengthened their bond and enhanced their spirit of teamwork and sportsmanship.

Randreb Bance (APC Flyers, right) tries to block Ken Carangan (Firmware Rebels, left)
Christian Murillo jumps to catch the ball while Mark Macatangay runs toward it
The referees from the National Basketball League (L-R): Marlon Rentoria, Hinrich Carpio, Arnold Labnao Raytos, Johannes Guerrero, & Dave Ruelos

Richard D. Carpio, Marlon Rentoria, Arnold Raytos, Johannes Guerrero, and Dave Ruelos were invited to enforce the rules and maintain order. All of them are official referees from the National Basketball League.​



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